Unique Visitors

Retrieve and display all visitors. This specific api call is turned off by default, please contact support@opentracker.net to turn this api call on.

API Usage

This API produces a json array. Perform GET or POST requests. Visitors can also be retrieved based on machine_idx.


One or more of the following parameters are required:

filterByMachineId Display data for these machine ids. Machine id is a unique identifier of each visitor. The default is all machine ids.
from Find all users from the specified last visit unix timestamp. Visit id is a unique identifier of each visit. Default is all unix timestamps.
to Find all users up to the specified last visit unix timestamp. Default is all unix timestamps.
offset The starting point from where records will display. Default is [0] (most recent chronological event).
limit Maximum number of records to be displayed in the output. Default is [40]. The maximum is 10,000.
login Your opentracker login email. Default is [support@opentracker.net].
password Your password.
ticketId A ticketId can be used to provide credentials with an expiring token. A ticketId can be used instead of a login/ password combination. Further information can be found here.
site The site for which to display data. Default is [www.opentracker.net].
locale The locale parameter is an identifier for a particular combination of language and region (e.g. en_US) and determines the format of the data returned. A list of locales can be found here.
dataType The dataType parameter determines the format of the data returned. Values can be [json] | html | jsondatatable | jsonjqgrid
ignoreLocale Display columns without language translation. Boolean. [false]|true.
dateFormat The dateFormat parameter determines the format of dates returned. An example is dateFormat=yyyy-dd-MM. Syntax can be found here.


To search for 10 visitors browsing www.opentracker.net:
HTTP GET/ POST: view_users.jsp?login=demo@opentracker.net&password=demo123&site=www.opentracker.net&offset=0&limit=10
To search for visitors with machine ids 2444525, 2444500 and 2444000:
HTTP GET/ POST: view_users.jsp?filterByMachineId=2444525,2444500,2444000


This last example returns a json array with 'n' entries formatted as:

{ "resultsList": [


If errors are encountered, the first encountered error will be returned of form "Error: exception: message

Error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Login/ site combination is not valid

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